Jim Crow 2.0? I Don’t Think So Joe . Subscribe for more: https://happs.tv/@VickiFitch #live #LIVE #Happs #StepUpStandOutAndSPEAK #StopBeingSilent #EOJoe

Jim Crow 2.0? I Don’t Think So Joe . Subscribe for more: https://happs.tv/@VickiFitch #live #LIVE #Happs #StepUpStandOutAndSPEAK #StopBeingSilent #EOJoe
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⚡️ Scottyb518 just subscribed. Vicki now has 16,713 subscribers on Happs.
That is a parental problem
I so remember that! Lol
⚡️ JennyJones just subscribed. Vicki now has 16,714 subscribers on Happs.
One of my friends schooled me when I put on FB ” All lives matter” his position is by saying ” all ” it takes away from the whole point of the black lives matters as a whole
All lives matter….I stand my ground on that and truly believe it
Call me a racist ..#underthehouse
Think about all of our friends in HS… Ron Henderson – Mexican
Mistook- Asian
Metcalf – black
Yadda yadda. None of this crap was ever and issue