This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, Lisa Woodruff, Bob King, Robert Myers, Anthony Conklin, Rod James, MC, and Lisa Woodruff
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, Lisa Woodruff, Bob King, Robert Myers, Anthony Conklin, Rod James, MC, and Lisa Woodruff
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I tweeted this out but it doesn’t show up in the chat
Just tweeted it
Hi Sweetpea!
@luvtolaff04 hey sweetie nice to see you
it’ not me
It’s you
Don’t touch anything Lisa
Hi Lisa
Are you nervous …
Hi Lisa!
we don’t hear it anymore
yah I heard that
Now I hear it
It is lisas mic
When I mute Lisa that noise goes away
Oh, yea . . .better on your computer
We’d like to wait for true organization . . .
it’s organzied
The ability to power organize was perfected 21 years ago . . . RIGHT?
i’m good, how r u
Am I late for my interview?
Vic show everyone your photo albums….ORGANIZED!!!!!
There’s always a tech issue.
hey Vickie!!!
i’ts showing she’s still a guest, that’s weird
Take the computer to the powder room
@lisawoodruff reboot
blab has been glitchy
or try another browser I had to do that
@lisawoodruff refresh
click on the sound button and set your default to your headset
@lisawoodruff are you on Chrome Browser?
She’s doing fabulous
We always have to wait . . . for chrome browsers
that nigth when we did the bookclub
Hakuna Matatta Lisa
My chrome crashed and it wouldn’t let me hear, I used Firefox to hear
@luvtolaff04 lol
Open up chrome, firefox and explorer all at the same time then . . .
her mic is working
Yes we can hear you loud and clear
check headset connection
she’s on firefox
but it sounds like it is the computer mike not your head set mike
Right lower corner theres a mic icon.. . Right click it…..;
now you see her, now you don’t…
can i have an Arkon Mount???
i like your office Vicki.
17 years of creative memories . . . what do you do after that?
Wait . . . you don’t have a magic wand?
@docmuscles therapists get the wand, just so ya know 🙂
@docmuscles lol
Woa!! Pixy dust and magic wants . . . Do you guys live near Disneyland?
@docmuscles Yes!!
They never gave me a wand in medical school . . . they gave me a magnifying glass and I just burn bugs with it now . . .
@docmuscles Such a guy
Sunday Basket – First
Paper goes into the Sunday basket
Gotta love Sunday Baskets.
for some reason it’s not posting on Facebook
do you want to pin this?
@biblenewsradio not yet
I’ve rebooted my sunday basket twice and it just exploded on my desk . . .
@docmuscles LOL
Welcome everyone!
I love the Sunday Basket idea. . . thank you.
It takes a little more than that when you have 6 horses, 30 chickens and 7 dogs . . . I think. Maybe that’s why my wife is exhausted when I come home . . .
@docmuscles I totally understand. I have 7 horses a miniature donkey and 4 dogs.
Husbands are so helpful that way
My horses won’t put their stuff in the Monday or Friday basket . . .
Organization is a spiritual gift . . . I’m sure of it.
@docmuscles yes it is, administration, one I am not blessed with LOL
@docmuscles LOL #Excusitis
I’ve never had that happen with amoxicillin . . . magic wand?
Ahhh . . . principle based magic wands.
Randall likes black boxes
hmmm, have you met Eric?
@luvtolaff04 LOL
I have too much dust in my house.
@robertmyersjd We are going to have people jump on in a minute. Would you like to ask her?
OK I am ADHD and have multiple passions…now what?
Exactly . . . I’ve decided I don’t need any more stuff . . .
Step 1 – Sunday Basket
@vicki_fitch yes
Step 2 – Declutter everything except passion items
Step 3 – organize the passion items.
Rob the Tool Man Baker. . .
@docmuscles HILARIOUS!
You could specialize in bon fires.
Hey Nick
@docmuscles LOL
Office = Bedroom often means NO Sleep
Hey Mike
@vicki_fitch hi Vicki
@lelandsbest he there!
put up a peg board
@NickJRishwain hi love
@docmuscles so true, I have my dads boxes in my bedroom because I have a one car garage and no other place to put it, so I can’t put my office there which is what I planned
hey everyone
how’s it going
@joeygiggles hey joey!
I just did that in my workshop and it made a world of difference with my keeping my tools organized.
@douglassalamone I did that for my hubby 🙂
@biblenewsradio hey
I need to get organized
@joeygiggles hi sweetie
@vicki_fitch hey there
I’m realizing that lots of good stuff starts in the closet.
Miles and miles of paper white piles . . .
I have a bunch of clothes I’ve been hanging on to. I’m thinking about taking them to the consignment store
@kimwende If they are nice clothes consignments are awesome
I think I’m done having children . . .
Giving to good will is a great way of paying it forward and brings many blessings . . . .
@docmuscles Good because we don’t want to see you preggo
I donate my old clothes
@joeygiggles Good job
I give to the church too
I give mostly to Scientology it shows a healthy return long term
I wear the same thing everyday too the day care people starting to notice
yes need to get rid of my clutter
My wife wont let me keep my tiara . . .
@docmuscles hahaha
@vicki_fitch I’ve kept some pants thinking I would get back into them, but it’s been a few years now and it’s not happened so I need to let them go.
@docmuscles I bet u rock that tiara too Doc
@docmuscles , what about your Tutu?
She likes my Tutu . . .
@stacybraiuca hey there
new info
@joeygiggles hey Joey!!!
hot exclusive!!!
Hmmm . . . very cool…
yes I’ll check her out
on the website
the world needs #redhot Rockstars!
What kind of organizers do you recommend – daytime, Franklin Covey ?
@luvtolaff04 Good Question!
@vicki_fitch I see a dust ball on your shelf l lol
I didnt hear her
what does she suggest to organize your computer and files ????
Week 2
Week 2 – calendar
Week 3 – meal planning
I can’t stand clutter, everything has a place and if it doesn’t it’s garbage
@SandyD717 Amen to that!
Week 1 – Sunday basket
@biblenewsradio Hi Stacy
@subbob Hey Bob, how ya doing?
@biblenewsradio Good. My desk is clear. I scooped it all into a box last week lol
I’m going to download the app
@docmuscles My keys and wallet ALWAYS go in the same spot
@rodJames did you have a question? I am happy to let you in but it is a podcast and I want to make sure you legit
Simple is easy . . . legal pad and google calendar.
Ahhh, . . . the Friday Basket and list of due dates . . . love it.
One box per day . . . good advise.
Clean staging area?
Organization is beautifully simple and simply beautiful . . . at least that’s what I’m hearing . . . love it.
was my question answered or did I miss it?
1. stop attending blab
@organize365 I have all my monthly recurring bills in an Evernote template with check boxes, I just copy it over each month. And pay them online
@SandyD717 lol
@sandyD717 I’ve placed my computer in a Wednesday Blab basket. . .
I do that now
@docmuscles lol
my husband refused to throw stuff out!
throw him out lol
drives me crazy
Weed blower to the counter to push it all into the Sunday basket
Woa . . . I found my car in the garage . . . !
@docmuscles Wow, reallly? you can get a car in your garage?
I just throw all the mail away until it comes for the 3rd time and is pink
@luvtolaff04 LOL
thank you
@organize365 Using the Zapier integration service (it’s like IFTTT) I use a Zap (Zapier rule) that automatically saves every Gmail attachment to a Dropbox folder
@subbob Love it
my allergy is bad otherwise I would come in
@luvtolaff04 that was the approach I used in the Navy, when the XO gave me a note I put it in the left side of the folder, when he reminded me about it, I moved it to the right side of the folder, if he ever brought it up again, I did something with it
@luvtolaff04 LOL
I am a boomer, and hate paper!!!
I am struggling with Evernote still . . .
I’m stuck between paper and Evernote with my Franklin Planner and Google Calender . . .
@docmuscles Should I do a training on Evernote?
@vicki_fitch May I share URL to Michael Hyatt’s Evernote tagged posts?
I think I just need a V
I think I just need a VA
I’m a boomer and use a lot of digital, but I also use paper too.
I’m borderline baby boomer (born 1965) and have been electronic banking for over 20 years
I use Evernote, but would love a class Vicki
@joeygiggles OK
@docmuscles lets buy vicki a duster, that dust bunny is bugging me, see it?
@SandyD717 WHERE????
I find that paper lends to “sticking in my memory” and digital doesn’
I want a VA, Chef and Organizer. 🙂
@kimwende Me too
The up and coming youth haven’t got an “admin” clue . . . It worries me.
@organize365 most solopreneurs and very small businesses do not have admins – especially with the prevalence of cloud based solutions
@sandyD717 it appears that the dust bunny just delivered dust bunny babies. . .
This is the archive (tagged posts) from @MichaelHyatt related to using Evernote – a lot of useful references there
@vicki_fitch Sure, I’ll do it for $425 🙂
but I get a LOT more done in an hour
I need an admin to manage my 12 year old husband
I’m love’n the Sunday Basket idea & the Friday Basket idea . . . Thanks @organize365
#1 Sunday Basket
#2 Build Routines
Step 4 – Organize morning and evening routine.
#3 Find Someone Who’s Organization you like –
Step 5 – find someone with organization you like and follow or download podcast.
Facebook organization . . . isn’t that an Oxymoron?
@vicki_fitch @organize365 I just shared that Sunday Basket URL on Facebook and tagged my wife, my daughter and my sister in law 🙂
This is wonderful content. . . . thanks for sharing Lisa.
I do VA work for a few people. I should ask them to do it with me. Now that’s an idea.
@docmuscles excellent Adam!
I can bob
bob, baby steps
haha “get all your papers organized in a weekend” – not physically possible in our house, I have boxes of college notes from 1988 in the basement (and many boxes in between then and now)
I should add in 100 day weight loss challenge with your organization.
I can do a box in a weekend 🙂
@subbob LOL
Ketogenic house cleaning . . . cool.
@SandyD717 It’s almost 10 PM, I’m running on less than 2 hours sleep and feeling very froggy 🙂
@subbob aww sorry
Morning coffee is my daily routine
I joke, but seriously appreciating the advice Lisa @organize365
@subbob take the pillow out of your Sunday Basket.
@luvtolaff04 mine too, we should do coffee together. get up tomorrow at 5 am Central time and join me
only basket i have is easter basket
@docmuscles No pillow needed – I’m fully awake 🙂
Lisa . . . we’re missing you.
What kind of basket do you use vic?
@vicki_fitch perhaps she misplaced her phone in a pile of unfiled papers? ROFL
I hope she didn’t drop her phone in the Friday Basket…
anyone know a good site for “selling boxes”? could start a pool on @organize365
q/Bob makes a good point, how do you deal with old college papers and things like that which are sentimental but you don’t want to display?
/qBob makes a good point, how do you deal with old college papers and things like that which are sentimental but you don’t want to display?
I’ve done some of that, but I have handwritten papers that are sentimental.
Vicki’s blabs are perfect for side chat fodder . . . .
@docmuscles LOL
Scansnap + Evernote = KEY!
I see all that paper behind you
I’ve found that much of my paper has been scanned to the cloud . . . so that when I die I’ll be able to find it.
@docmuscles 🙂
@subbob I was talking about vicki’s paper not yours
@biblenewsradio That’s okay, I don’t mind outing myself
Good you see you @subbob
@kimwende great question!
@vicki_fitch 🙂
@AnthonyJConklin hi honey!
Wowza . . . the @organize365 power organization hour.
Hello @anthonyjconclin
it looks like Yogi Bears picnic basket
Hello @anthonyjconklin (can’t spell tonight)
@vicki_fitch :))
In nearly 30 years ago my grandmother gave me a bumper sticker sized placard that reads “I’m the only genius that understands my filing system” — I still have it
@docmuscles i dont even know who I am lol
@subbob LOVE IT!
how are u DocM
3-6 weeks to ride the Sunday Basket railroad.
@docmuscles LOL
If you touch medical bills that many times, we may need to treat you for MRSA . . .
@docmuscles You are killing me
@AnthonyJConklin hey man
@vicki_fitch not sure if you do DropIns during your podcast – if you do, this Tweet has picture of Lisa’s Sunday basket from her web site
Just drop a little Prozac into the basket for week #7 ?
ah, okay
sound is workng now
great info
me too, podcasts rock
that was my question
@docmuscles is raising the bar, I have to up my game
I have a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Podcast Basket.
what if these other services go out of business and Pinterest dies
@docmuscles The only ones you need are He Said, Red Said & Vicki Fitch Live…
someone in a master mind group to which I belong did a 30 day minimalism challenge, where you get rid of 1 item on day 1, 2 items day 2, … up to 30 items on day 30
bye everyone
good night
thank you Vicki and lisa I have to get going talk soon
@joeygiggles bye love
I told her I day 30 I’d be tearing a piece of junk mail in 30 little pieces
@joeygiggles bye
@subbob LOL
Lisa, do you teach people to be green in the process ?
@organize365 That was my wife and her family, her parents lived next door to her grandparents. the grandparents were depression era generation, and had stuff everywhere in the house. They had to go through books & magazines page by page as there was money hidden in the books
going through my dad’s house last year was a nightmare
I’ve come to realize that I can be happy with the things I can fit in two suitcases.
its so personal
yes, I actually do love them
I have notes from my friends in 4th grade
@docmuscles Yep. for 18 months We lived in a 32′ RV on the Gulf Coast while teaching Computer Programming in Pensacola. My wife referred to our house as a 2400 sq foot storage facility
oh no
ex threw my stuff out..very sad
My philosophy is ” if it does not bring me joy” bu bye!
@vicki_fitch nah, don’t throw it away, just hide it for a year or two until they forget about it… then get rid of it ROFL
We downsized our home a few years ago and it was the most liberating experience of my life.
But it was a choice my wife and I had to come to.
@subbob BAD BOY
@docmuscles Yes, when you agree it is awesome!
There are apps like Home Inventory (Mac App) that allows you to take pictures, tag where items are located, etc.
can i come on/
I’ve realized life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty, well preserved body, with dainty luggage, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, after being bucked off , thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Whew! What a Ride!
Some of those apps also allow you to use an optional bar code scanner to help inventory
@vicki_fitch im not shy to come on lol. i’ve been calling in
I’ve had to downsize my clutter to slide into heaven that way . . . ;
just waiting to be accepted
I suspect that the sparkle in people’s eyes comes from the reflection of organization in their lives. . .
@Angel_436y I was wrapping up and then I will open the seat
@organize365 Lisa – suggestion for you, there’s a lot of room in your Twitter header image – be a great place to feature an image of your Sunday Basket
@Vicki_fitch this is your best blab yet.
@docmuscles THANKS SO MUCH Doc
Oh, no . . . am I supposed to show up on Monday . . . I might be stuck in my Sunday Basket…
Lisa is a ROCK STAR!!!!!
@docmuscles thanks
@docmuscles If so, you’re using it way wrong
q/ where are your podcasts Vicki? iTunes?
@docmuscles yes, it’s under Vicki Fitch Live
I would but I have OR Hat head
@organize365 are your podcasts on iTunes?
Sure, I will find a few for you
Get the Sunday Basket at
His head is swelling . . .
Still swellling . . . .
@docmuscles LOL
@AnthonyJConklin very sorry, I had not heard that
Great Blab @vicki_fitch thanks for having Lisa this has been fantastic!
Tsunami of clutter . . . . @orgainze365 do you sell clutter surfboards?
Sorry to hear that @AnthonyJConklin
@kimwende You are so welcome!
Here’s Vicki’s show on iTunes -
Hey @Brandideas
smiles to all
@BrandIdeas xoxoxo
@vicki_fitch Hey Vicki – wishing you delight
bye all
@vicki_fitch great show @organize365 fantastic info
@subbob thanks love! Glad you could join us!
@luvtolaff04 I kept a pair of my mom’s pants over a decade
@BrandIdeas You are precious
I am still doing that 3 + years later, still have not touched much of hers
@luvtolaff04 Miss her so much
Here’s Vicki’s show on Bluberry
Miss mom Hainault too
@luvtolaff04 Thanks love!!!! xoxoxo
Anyone else want to jump in
Organizing is one of the powerful steps in processing grief.
@biblenewsradio Thank you Stacy!!!
@docmuscles Yes, it is what grounded me and got me through
Any other questions???
@luvtolaff04 OK, want to pop in?
I have one for Lisa when Anthony is done
Lisa froze
Probably the wifi
Psychotherapy with @organize365
@docmuscles LOL
@luvtolaff04 Want to jump in?
Teddy Bear pins can act like Magic Wands….
@docmuscles Uh Oh the secrets out
It often takes over 2 years . . . .
Yes parents are often the glue for siblings – its important to hold together- traditions are a great way to sustain that
being power of attorney sucks
Lisa what state are you in?
Lisa, how can I get Vicki more organized to visit her BFF more? lol
Thank you Lisa @organize365 this was great!
GREAT show @organize365
@vicki_fitch I do too
@vicki_fitch No, I was just saying it’s one of your best shows ever and I want her to be a guest on my show
The processors keep blabbing about co-hosts.
Full. Of. It.
Thank you ladies – vicki always wonderful
Sunday Basket Pictures are to be posted where?
. . . or two . . . scary.
Way to upsell
Im lov’n the One Thing.
I’ll tweet you @organize365
bye guys.
bye see ya later
DM you later