This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, BibleNewsRadio, Dr. Lisa Sulsenti, Cliff Bodenweiser “TMoB”, and Brandon Wagner
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, BibleNewsRadio, Dr. Lisa Sulsenti, Cliff Bodenweiser “TMoB”, and Brandon Wagner
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i see and hear everyone
no heli
how do i hook my mic up to blab?
lisa needs complete refresh
blab is not recognizing it
I can see and hear everyone
there is nothing to choose in the menu
make sure it’s plugged in fully on the back of the mic
Pushed all the way in
@WaxCrumbles hey Brandon
hey everyone
there is no choice to pick
Mac or pc?
no choice to pick
there is no choice to pick from
what browser?
hi Vicki!
Right Click on the sound icon on the bottom and choose Recording devices
do the Fitchslap!!!
LOL I just got that
Stacy Cliff & Vicki are fine.
what browser are you using vicki?
oops lisa lol
Hey hey!!
ahh cliff to the rescue
stacy is queit
oh hey
This is fun
a won
My first job was with autistic youth 🙂 awesome
@RandallKHarp lol
you have a bucket
@DerekDdawg lol
until now!!
All goof here
i see cliff
All is well
cliff is fine
everyone is fine Vicki
wow where is vicki that there’s sun
english, vicki
chat, what is the topic of convo?
@vicki_fitch OFF THE RECORD!!!!??
@ClifBodenweiser mine says it is recording
@vicki_fitch mine shows it’s not recording
@biblenewsradio does it show recording
anyonme else see on or off please chat
it’s off
california internet confirmed basura lolol
its off the record for me as well
yes Vicki is WiFi challenged
can Stacy start recording?
Lisa should resume when ready
there !
i’ts recording now
recording now
Super duper hot milfs!!!
@MrGreenEyes2323 knock it off Please Danny
I work with Autistic children and adults
@ClifBodenweiser mind your business
and lots of kids have common symptoms even if not autistic spectrum – my son has bipolar and many symptoms cross over
@vicki_fitch yes, you look hot!
Danny – this is my business – you don’t come into Vicki’s blab and pull that MILF crap – she has asked you to not do that in prior blabs
@ClifBodenweiser she always tells me thank you, so shut up!
@ClifBodenweiser thank you
meltdowns suck! My son is 21 and still having them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
a mindful mama 🙂
I suppose Lisa has an MD?
can we talk about parents that refuse meds?
He is now the father of newborn twins and he is struggling as a father because he doesn’t want to “screw them up” as their father
@MrGreenEyes2323 will you please put your questions in with a /q
Hi Q 🙂
YES! If you have a child who has had a meltdown you will recognize the difference between tantrum and meltdown
@RobynsWorld exactly
Hey Cliffmiester 🙂
Executive functioning issues are HUGE for my son, not autistic, but bipolar
@MrGreenEyes2323 Psych meds are very hard for a lot of folks to deal with. Doctors do NOT know what all is happening, it may help certain symptoms but can cause other issues. It is a total balancing act for parents and there is not a set of
@MrGreenEyes2323 Not a set of “rules” on when to use meds and when not to use meds
@biblenewsradio can you come in
Natural consequences seem to work “best” but still not always the right answer
@RobynsWorld Hi Robyn
@MrGreenEyes2323 You only can restrain a child for so long. When my son was young we would wrap him in a comfortoer and hold him until he calmed down, but as he got older/bigger/stronger this was no longer possible
@ZachHoffman610 Hey there!
its her blab – u cant kick her
@RobynsWorld that’s when they need respite with a 2/1 ratio
2:1 *
@MrGreenEyes2323 But I’m sure you realize that not all responses are available to all children/parents. Mental health is not treated in the way it should be for the majority of people in the United States.
@vicki_fitch we can see you
@RobynsWorld that’s when the parents need to make a decision. Group home,..ect
Can you see and hear me?
@vicki_fitch yes
video fine – not sure since it seems u r not talking
ditto, can see you but since you haven’t “talked” yet, not sure on hearing you
u r def having choppy Internet across the board
I can hear her but she is choppy and I cant see anyone
@vicki_fitch we can see you okay
@vicki_fitch we can hear you
Fitch slap the internet Vicki
@LukeDancy lol!!
@LukeDancy Great idea I should totally try that!!
Everyone make sure you click the link and sign up for the Summit!!!
Full on Overwhelm!!! That is what Lisa saved me from! INSANITY
thanks for sharing @drlisasulsenti
@EvaCPonce hey
hey darlings
@biblenewsradio Hello my friend 🙂
imagination is key
nothing to fear in Autism, people are just mis-informed… they need to learn more about it
Stacy jump out. I am going to refresh and I don’t want you to end up on top
@vicki_fitch ok, I’m out
yes, actually I have been judged
there are questions on the sidebar
Back when I worked at the restaurant it was 20% working with my boys and 80% educating adults (gotta have grace for ignorance).
Ghost Club
you’re both fine
Lisa is amazing and truly gifted in all she does!! Life Saver for sure 🙂 Xo
@EvaCPonce I love her, seriously
@biblenewsradio Yes I adore her 🙂
@vicki_fitch you froze
@DrLisaSulsenti What was their reasoning?
hey love 🙂
Sleep for adults
yes totally ROCKS!!!! lol
their simplicity in just being is precious & loving!
great blab!! I wish I could stay! Thanks so much ladies!!
yes great FB group!!!
Bye @vicki_fitch
THANK YOU ladies 🙂
@RandallKHarp ciao
Thank you!
@DrLisaSulsenti Great Blab Lisa – glad we got you going earlier!
@RGletter Dream it. Believe it. Achieve it.
nailed it @biblenewsradio
my pleasure
good night! heading to bed myself Zzzzz 🙂 lol
Good night