#TruthTalkLive To Snap or NOT to Snap

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Anthony Conklin, Vicki Fitch, Kara Lambert, Sarah Moore, Q, Bob King, Adam Nally, D.O., Wendy Fore, Cliff Bodenweiser “TMoB”, Moonshadow, and AllThings Networking


  1. Vicki Fitch says:

    @blabstud how do I get that fixed. I schedueled them weeks ago and everyone is complaining the only way they got in last night was to go to my pinned tweet

  2. Bob King says:

    @cashlifemastery same with me, about – I’m adept with the tool (quick learner) but still figuring out the “how I want to use it” for myself

  3. Bob King says:

    @KBlack2595 as someone that admittedly does not own a smart phone – how would you know? that’s like taking the word of a caveman that says phones are pointless

  4. Bob King says:

    @MadH_MacLeod Understand. You stated “snapchat is pointless.” Your Blab profile and Twitter profile tell us nothing as to your background and experience and thus credibility as to your opinion. Why do you think it’s pointless? and what is your pedigree?

  5. Vicki Fitch says:

    @BlabStud I just sent a notification out and non one seems to see it. There is only 4 people signed up from last week and no one current and Johnny is registered but it doesn’t show him there either

  6. I didn’t mean to say it was pointless for others. I meant that what I do for work now I couldn’t really use because Corporate won’t let us use *any* social media. Sorry to not make that clear @subbob 

  7. Bob King says:

    @ATWNetworking that would only work at some restaurants – most people I know that worked at (fast food) places, won’t eat where they work… ROFL 

  8. Bob King says:

    @AnthonyJConklin you’ll need a driver, so you can SnapChat between engagements while in Australia, once you know the when, I’ll check my calendar 🙂

  9. Bob King says:

    @AnthonyJConklin and when in NYC, I discovered there are other stories – New York Story in NYC and Election Story in Washington DC

  10. Ben Requena says:

    @subbob 24hrs is the minimum, but you’ll want to give yourself more time incase they do not approve it and you need to submit again. Also, popular events will only have 4-7 slots available so early bird gets the worm.

  11. Bob King says:

    @BenRequena We recently drove 2900 miles (Kansas City to NYC then Washington DC, and Back) and came back a different route. I was surprised at how few geographical areas (cities) had city filters

  12. Q says:

    With Snapchat, you’re grooming the next generation of consumers or a different customer vertical. #Qtip

  13. Q says:

    It’s gotta be an INVESTMENT! Think about how much time everyone has invested in other platforms LIKE FB!! #Qtip

  14. Bob King says:

    @cashlifemastery I think Periscope still has a niche in the extended 1 to many conversation model. Now it depends on what happens with Facebook Live

  15. Q says:

    TWO people can be talking about the same thing. Like television, people will want to hear it from “their person.” #Qtip

  16. Bob King says:

    @ATWNetworking If I was at head of some of these organizations (Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc) – I’d Flip Bird to EU. Say okay fine,. No more service to your area, or it’s paid only since you’re not allowing us to monetize a fucking free service

  17. Q says:

    @ATWNetworking That’s like workers freaking out while you record or photograph merchandise at department stores. you’re really promoting!

  18. Bob King says:

    @cashlifemastery Good point about Trolls. But I’ve also seen few trolls on the info only Scopes (eg like Brian Fanzo) – more trolls seem to be on casual Scopes (but I only have 1-month experience on periscope)

  19. Bob King says:

    @AnthonyJConklin She sent it to her boss, he sent it to his, and then it was sent to the President of Avis. I received an email asking if they could share it on their internal social media site

  20. Q says:

    But what better way to show how well you do your work or how awesome your customer service is?! Google Ad Words can’t do that! *boom*

  21. Bob King says:

    @ATWNetworking this email goes to your comment: “Tiffany from our new Kansas City, Kansas location forwarded me a very nice video you made that talked about the level of service you received from her. I’ve been in this business a long time, but this is the first I’ve seen a customer compliment via video.”

  22. Bob King says:

    @ATWNetworking Funny thing, I’d been Periscoping the entire trip. So it wasn’t something I though hard about, it seemed natural. We had an excellent experience, so I shared it

  23. Bob King says:

    @QTheBrand a couple weeks ago, someone in one of my groups said “an expert is someone two chapters ahead of you in the same book”

  24. Bob King says:

    @QtheBrand but that’s true of any tool – replace “social” with “telephone” or “email” – we can’t control what others do, only how we use it

  25. Q says:

    @subbob Sure. But, I’m not about enabling the crazy. you should check out the replay of today’s Marketing Therapy Blab.

  26. Bob King says:

    @QTheBrand in 2012-2013 I lived at a campground for nearly 18 months. Most of the other full-timers where were 70+, if not in their 80s. Several of them bought smart phones after they met Ann and me.

  27. Generation X, commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians and commentators use birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.

  28. Generation X, (before Y) commonly abbreviated to Gen X, is the generation born after the Western Post–World War II baby boom. Demographers, historians and commentators use birth dates ranging from the early 1960s to the early 1980s.

  29. Q says:

    @ARounseville I’m now cheating on them with a new cereal. eating both. organic version of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

  30. Bob King says:

    @QTheBrand I’m not a WordPress guru, but I have hosted & designed sites since 2002, for last 7 years it’s been primarily WordPress

  31. Q says:

    @ARounseville Awww….thank you. Wearing my robe is one of my favorite things to do…makes me so happy. I don’t get to do it often. ?

  32. Bob King says:

    @McGloven90210 Actually, I watched Brian Fanzo on Periscope earlier today. And have watched others in this room on Periscope. All were fully clothed.

  33. Q says:

    @d_scott Clean your screen. I’m allergic to life and eating Organic cereal. But if you must, my cat food tastes amazing.

  34. Bob King says:

    newspapers have personal ads in the back, people still advertise in newspapers – people used 1-900 numbers for sex lines, other people still used telephones — so damn tired of people generalizing tools based on how SOME others use them

  35. Bob King says:

    @docmuscles I like Jon Acuff’s and Peter Shankman’s approach (they are similar) – only wear jeans (with very few exceptions) and t-shirts (mostly)

  36. Bob King says:

    @vicki_fitch my wife’s grandparents were depression era influenced – when we cleaned out their house in 2009 we found canned goods in the pantry that were over 80 years old

  37. Bob King says:

    @vicki_fitch and we had to go through every book in the house page by page because we’d find 20 and 100 dollar bills in random locations

  38. Ben Requena says:

    @QtheBrand Leaving a bed unmade during the day can remove moisture from the sheets and mattress so the mites will dehydrate and eventually die. Silly study from Kingston University.

  39. Bob King says:

    @casachiesi her grandmother had not been upstairs in several years, the stairs going up were filled with boxes of magazines – it took months to clear it out

  40. @vicki_fitch In college I worked for a property management company clearing a client’s multiple houses. Hoarders Allstar. She would live in one of her 20 rentals, go to garage sales and buy the entire lot, fill her home until she had no room and would move to the next.

  41. Bob King says:

    @vicki_fitch Interesting take. I’ve not been in one of his primary shows, but been a co-host with him a few times. I didn’t see any of that rapid firing questions you spoke of, so I wonder if it might be a persona for his show?

  42. Bob King says:

    @ARounseville I often wonder if that’s more of what he says or because he doesn’t appear on video? probably a combination, but wonder which dominates?

  43. Bob King says:

    @vicki_fitch I don’t know if @beautybubble is in the room, but she’s often very direct with people, especially new people she meets (again, nothing I’d not say to her in person) – we get alone

  44. Bob King says:

    Someone I met in NYC wrote this today on Slack… “It was so good to get to know you in person – I must tell you, you are really not as dry and technical in person lol – quite the opposite!… You are kind and fun and sharing and a goofball – and I love your energy”

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