It’s time for a PARTY!!! Vicki Hainault Fitch Come on in here! GIVEAWAYS & FREEBIES! Pre-Launch of my first book for 2018! #12Books12Months and you COULD BE in the Book! #RockThatDream & #RockThatStream #BHAG18 #Fitch5000

It’s time for a PARTY!!! Vicki Hainault Fitch Come on in here! GIVEAWAYS & FREEBIES! Pre-Launch of my first book for 2018! #12Books12Months and you COULD BE in the Book! #RockThatDream & #RockThatStream #BHAG18 #Fitch5000
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Yeahhhh Melanie!!
Using Faith to Build your Heart Fortune
#Christianpreneur talks a bit about that
Whoop!! Whoop!!
Yes Shannon!!! That’s gonna be good
Bacon Wrapped Besties
Scott is getting a change of heart!!
Scotty is a bit like a roller coaster… We never know how he will react
Bacon wrapped jalapeño poppers!!! Passing them around!!!
I will take the bacon… you get the popper Adam Adam J Migacz
Scotty is getting another #Fitchslap for that
Yes Scotty is a bad troll
Ouch, Scotty!!! ???
I’d like to learn more about pitching myself and asking for sponsorships.
That is covered in Direct Selling 301 & 401 Shannon Mattern – Like I said, it isn’t just for Direct Sales 🙂 I may have to change the names 🙂
Ive was evicted long ago, now I just rent
We have lots of love for previous Bully’s Bob Crawford
Rockstar Guide to Creating Business Content
Ooh Good Topic Stacy Braiuca
Ok Scotty, you’ve been redeemed! lol
Feb 26th Bayyybbeeee! whoop
You should get a Scottyswag
I think Scotty would try to be my swag if I let him LOL
Congrats Vicki
Vicki Swag A Licious…. aka Must be best swag evah silly rabbit
I must have needed more Oxygen (see scope before this one) and didn’t get that the first time LOL Love you Stacy Braiuca
Hip hip hoorays
Thanks Bob Crawford
Hey Vickie
Hi Cindy Matthews Lee!!
This books sounds great!
Tiffany Souhrada which book were you talking about Direct Selling 101 or Evict the Bully in Your Head? Can’t wait to hear
It should have been these books! Both sound fab, and oh so useful.
Tiffany Souhrada Thank you so much! I would love to have you in the #Fitch5000 group to give suggestions for new topics
Yeah congrats
Many thanks!
Yeah!!!! Stacy Braiuca!!!
Considering my bully issues, good thing huh? Giggle
So excited for you Stacy Braiuca I know you will love it!
#TrollPatrol bring it on!!
I am going to read a chapter or part of the book on the next party 🙂
I thought release is tomorrow?
Pre-Launch is on the last Monday of every month Rob! I hope you will put it on your calendar and join us!
Get em Troll killerWithKindness
Rock on sistah!!! lol
Scotty!!! hahahaa
Ways to allow yourself to take a break when you have a ton to do, but the breaks are uber important!
Tell us how you found a publisher to take on this project!
It was a great connection from Erin Cell she is the bomb!
Sleep heals!
Excellent one Shannon!
I take naps 😀 <3
I’m sleeping much better these days!!
Kill tomato’s (pomodoro focus) during the day, sleep ? at night!
That’s right! Be our bug finders lol!
I haven’t watched it all yet – but I will. The benefits of being a web designer – exclusive access to awesome content!
#Boom And an awesome web designer you are! Love what you did with the book page! 🙂
But the outline and descriptions are amazing!!!
Thanks Shannon Mattern
Scotty needs another #Fitchslap
I think he needs an ample supply
Shannon… lucky dawg
I tweeted
I wuv you
yay Dave!!! Mr Fearless Friday won!!!!
Triple Streaming
Yes! It just taxes my wifi LOL
Hey Aikyna Finch!!! <3
I need that book just scroll down and you can order any of them on line
That is so awesome!
Hey Claudia Santiago
Thanks for stopping by girl! I miss you Aikyna Finch
Paper or hardback
Paperback to start
She is awesome!!
Congratulations Vicki!!
I will watch Trump on replay tomorrow because I will be watching you
Thanks Matthew Vick
Ouch, Scotty!!! 😳😳😳
Kill tomato’s (pomodoro focus) during the day, sleep 😴 at night!