Rarely, and I do mean RARELY, does something inspire me so much that I must drop everything I am doing, (including my daily schedule-which most of you know is my lifeline,) to put together a blog post. But that is precisely what happened to me today. I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and ran across a post by my dear friend Dennis Yu.
(I have included a screenshot of the post below for those of you who are curious and want to understand what I wrote here – Dennis will get it, and that is what this is all about. My way to say “thank you” for all that he does for the community.) #DennisYuFanGirl
Dennis, although extremely modest and humble, is a genius in more than just his IQ. He is a stellar human being with tons of value and loads of wisdom to share with anyone willing to listen. I feel truly blessed to know him and his post today, changed my perspective. This is my tribute to Dennis and the value he brings.
(NOTE: Poetry experts, no need to tell me if this is really an Ode. (If my punctuation is off or if something isn’t right feel free to PM me, I did this in a hurry!) To me an Ode is a Tribute and that is what this is. A Tribute to a man who is worthy of derailing my Saturday with his wisdom! #RockThatDream Dennis!)
I am NOT an Author
An Ode to Dennis Yu
Introducing myself, I said to the crowd,
“I’m an Author & Speaker,” I stood tall and proud.
“I’m a business consultant, both here and abroad,
7 countries I service.” They chose to applaud.
“You are NOT an Author!” My friend Dennis said.
“You aren’t what you do, know that in your head.
You’re more than your job, your skills or your views.
You are what you love, not the tools that you use.”
“I’m NOT a Marketer or Analytics Geek.
I’m an expert in sales in the markets you seek.
I’m hungry for knowledge to grow and to learn.
To help you with business – Increase what you earn.”
“What’s your purpose? Do you live it out loud?
Or squawk someone’s message to blend in with the crowd?
When you know who you are,” He said with calm pride,
“Your message is clear, and you’ll find your Tribe.”
With clear understanding of what he just said,
It changed my thoughts, and I changed what I said.
His insight was priceless, a gift of pure gold,
There for the taking, so I would be bold.
“I’m NOT an Author.” I said with a smile,
“I am a writer, with Courage and style.
I’m NOT a Speaker.” I said with a wink,
“I tell you stories, that will make you think.”
“I’m NOT a Consultant,” I said with a grin,
“I’m a Leader, teaching value within.
I’m NOT a Blogger.” I said with a lilt
“I’m a Visionary, who shares a new tilt.”
“I’m NOT a Livestreamer.” I said with my sign,
“I’m an Encourager, helping you shine.
I’m NOT a Podcaster.” I said with a shirk,
Now knowing we aren’t, what we do for work.
“I’m an Inspirationist here to Inspire.
Empowering the masses, their Dreams and desires.
Using personal stories, to give you Hope.
To encourage your efforts, and broaden your scope.
Helping you become, the best you can be,
And flying your flag, “I’m Free to be Me!”
Dennis reminds us, we’re NOT what we do,
We’re all special people, you need to be YOU.
So, THANK YOU Dennis for showing me how,
To share my passion, more clearly now.
My Mission is, to replace the world’s “stuff”,
With one simple thought, #YouAreEnough
Quick backstory on why I was so inspired. When I started my online business… way back in the day, I wrote that I was an Inspirationist. I don’t even remember who it was that said, “That isn’t a real thing. It isn’t a word.” I remember replying that it described me, and my mission to inspire others. Needless to say, I let his logic, that people may not take my title seriously, influence me to change

how I described myself. I realized when I read Dennis’s post today, that I was describing myself the way I was “told” not how I felt.
I recognize the value in establishing a name for yourself first. But if I could go back and talk to me that day, I would remind myself that I have always been bold and that it was OK to embrace my “Free to be Me!” Flag so I could #RockThatDream.
Starting today, including my live broadcast at 6pm Pacific on (FB, Instagram & Periscope), I am going to introduce myself a new way and share this message with my audience tonight. If you are available… come join us! I will be reading my Ode to Dennis Yu live on the air, with my own personal voice inflections. I hope Dennis can join me so he can hear the admiration and appreciation in my voice.
If you don’t know Dennis, do yourself a favor and follow him across all his platforms. Take my word for it, he is the real deal and he cares for people in a way that is truly rare. I hope you will share this out, so the world can know a little more about him and can cash in on his infinite wisdom. I just hope he doesn’t unfriend me for putting the spotlight on him!
Dennis my friend, you are a #LifeChanger and I appreciate everything about you. To the rest of you… I like you too, that is why I shared my secret success weapon with you! I hope you find value here and that you learn to #RockThatDream!
If you aren’t following my #12Books12Months journey, you may not know what the #YouAreEnough campaign is. Feel free to check it out and #JoinTheJourney to rid the world of NES (Not Enough Syndrome) Book #2, Evict the Bully in Your Head launches on 1/12 @ 12:12pm I hope you can join our live launch! #EvictTheBully.
Until next week,