Pina Colada - Vicki Ficth #NationalPinaColadaDay Tribe Escape Post

#NationalPinaColadaDay – Is it time to Escape?

Today is #NationalPinaColadaDay and although I am more of a mocktail kind of girl, I remember when The Pina Colada Song (aka Escape) by Rupert Holmes came out, and to this day whenever I hear the words Pina Colada, I think of that song. As a matter of fact, I instantly start singing it in my head…

“If you like Pina Coladas, and getting caught in the rain…”

You started singing it too, didn’t you? In marketing, we call that being Sticky. Anytime we can get something to stick in the minds of our customers andPina Colada - Vicki Ficth #NationalPinaColadaDay Escape Post potential clients, we are creating a connection. I wrote about that in book #7 of the #12Books12Months series, but I also recommend a great book called Made to Stick by Chip & Dan Heath.

If you are not familiar with the song, it is about a couple that lost touch with each other because they weren’t communicating and started a search to find someone who had something in common with them. In marketing, we call that our Tribe. When we do business with a company that understands our needs or our desire for their products, we feel connected and want to be loyal to that relationship. When a company or brand doesn’t seem to understand our needs, anything can sway us to try a competitor.[Tweet “You need to understand that in both business and relationships, we all Crave Connection.”]

When we stop communicating with our clients and customers, we stop connecting and leave them feeling like they need to find someone that “gets” them. Just like in The Pina Colada Song, we leave them looking for an Escape.

When you get to know your friends and customers and you understand their needs, they want to interact with you and your brand. [Tweet “True connection is the adhesive that bonds a Tribe together.”]

I have woven this concept together through most of the #12Books12Months series and am really excited about this week’s launch:

OWN IT! How to Step Up and Stand OutCover of Own It! How to Step Up and Stand Out by Vicki Fitch
Learning to OWN who YOU are to Find Your Tribe

#QuirkyIsCool, Normal is so… Yesterday

(And this months candy creation by Awesome Goodies has a Pina Colada flavored giraffe lollipop and a mystery flavored Jaspie lollipop as well! Check out yesterdays livestream to see how we recreated the cover of the book in candy form! Approx 7:15-8:15)

So, it is time for you to look at who you are attracting and what message you are sending. Are you actively seeking to understand your customers, clients and connections? If not, I recommend you do, so they don’t start looking for another relationship. Maybe you can write your own Pina Colada Song about connecting with your customers to make sure if they look to Escape, they will find that they too, already had what they were looking for.

Until next week,

Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it – Vicki