Today is National #GetUpDay a day about Perseverance and Fixing your FEAR of Failing. With Politics Plaguing us and Trolls Trauncing us on our Social Platforms, the FEAR of Failure can pressure us into being quiet but it is time to #StopBeingSilent #StepUpStandOutAndSPEAK

The property owner should be in contact with the renter regularly during this time of crisis. Perhaps it is a time when the owner can get the renter to do some maintenance or upgrades on the property. Think positive. We must deal with “what is”.
Take the upper road. The renter certainly doesn’t feel great about “owing” back rent. Get to know the renter; if they are a bad egg then it’s easy to move them out when legally possible.
The wave of defaults coming will be loaded with folks who are good people. Not everybody is what we see in the media, not at all.
Empathy and compassion are essential.
Happs is so NOT pro Patriots – do not be fooled.