Looking for @ItsTheLucas THE NEXT DAY

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, Kara Lambert, John Kapos, Colin’s Random Thoughts, Mr. Green Eyes, Smokey Mountain Chaz, Anthony Conklin, Kerrie Phipps, Moonshadow, Seis Ocho, Jim Thomas, @belikemarcus, Kevin Black, and Vin Brown


  1. It’s tricky when we’re on different time zones, – when you’re chilling at the end of the day @vicki_fitch I want to join you but need to get work done 🙂 

  2. He is young and needed to find a way to express himself. Notice that no parents came to question why he was on that late and that long. He was tired by the time he got off, as were most of us. Maybe he is asleep. Hopefully, he gets out tonight. Vicki, I hope you got rest and your back is better today. 

  3. Anyone that says that about a baby or a race cannot be changed in two hours. You’re like a prison phycologist attempting to fix a sociopath in two hours. Anyone that says that is truly disturbed and scamming you.

  4. Living w/o consequences will take a toll on your longevity as well as others points of acceptance but if we can rise above this and teach with respect then we are quality as a whole ya know @michaelmurrey 

  5. Bill Rowe says:

    New decisions are made every day. It is possible that Lucas was able to make a new decision yesterday based on new information that he received from his talk with Vicki

  6. @michaelmurrey all of us bully at some level, unfortunately b/c we are human (esp as children) but all of us have the opportunity to be forgiven, make changes and grow

  7. Bill Rowe says:

    I people feed the bully they will continue to bully. We can show that we care by talking to a person and show them that there is another way. It then becomes their choice to accept the support that has been offered.

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