The world is still in a panic about the pandemic and now the IMPEACHMENT Process is producing a lot of communication and/or controversy. Learning to stand your ground without being obnoxious is a skill to help you in business and in life. It’s time to recognize your value and #StopBeingSilent

Yeah I had several unfriend me over a post I did.
I’m very disappointed with the people that are doing this to the President
There’s so much drama in that with the crying
I love listening to you and we been friends 6 years I’m right with you
I need to learn how to block those fact checkers
Wow those closed mind folks are just ignorant
Exactly if you really my friend then hang with me.
Omg water lies out of her mind
I think dems intention is to take total control
Right I cry at sad but drama is drama cry
I’m a Patriot for sure not dem
He’s always wanted to help everyone.
I couldn’t stand Hillary
Hey Vicki.
Oh wow thanks I’ll be blocking fact checkers by the hundreds tonight
Most of the time people won’t tell you what to even go read.
I love how you can convert the trolls, or some of them anyway.
Omg Boden and Harris are actually working with them. That’s pretty plain to see. I’ve done the research.
I know my grandkids tell me well google says no, that gets to me. This grand mother goes well let’s learn something new. Google doesn’t share everything
You taught me how to sell. Just hit 26 months PCQ
Omg yes Romney always gave me creeps
Romney is the father of gay marriage here in America
Hillary is evil n Michelle omg those are crazy
Well some of my comments are already getting blocked out. Guess book-face is watching me again. Oh well maybe book-face will get educated
I don’t ever spell Boden name right cause those fact people block my comments
I saw Mikes it was proof and he spent a lot of time gathering info. Book-face didn’t want people seeing that info from Mike L
Yes they blocked my Gone with Wind. Thank God I have the movies recorded
Watch next they will take Andy Griffith – oh my gosh
Omg no CA got some crazy things I didn’t know that about That
28,000 would have helped so many homeless
I’m sensing a troll in the house let’s convert them.
Our President Trump actually spent years helping us and jobs were back.
Someone got ticked on about oriental instead of Asian I don’t get it
The one on periscope got ticked off about that oriental too and I was lost about it.
Smiling – I think I’ll
Smiling I think I’ll ask Martha Stewart is politically correct on Asian or oriental. Who knows what she will say. Smiling
But they call each other that. It’s a double negative I think
I just want them to throw this darn impeachment out. It’s not constitutional and it’s wrong. My opinion
Appreciate you