“He Said, Red Said” Podcast #6 Halloween Edition @robertcstern @vicki_fitch

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Robert C. Stern, Erin Smith, John Kapos, Nazim and Betti, Vicki Fitch, Jana Francis, Tim Gillette, J S Gilbert, Byron Ingraham, Joel Comm, Bert, Cheval John, and Marianne


  1. Marianne says:

    a 15 second delay that it could remember…. like a dump on live radio, but the reverse so it will start “saving” from 15 seconds prior.

  2. J S Gilbert says:

    They are made from the same high impact polymer plastic used to make the handlkes for the popular Ginzu knife. Guaranteed not to chip, crack or fail to perform or we’ll replace it free of charge.

  3. Cheval John says:

    Something tells me that this blab has been going on for a long time Thanks for warning @gilbertism Hello everyone @jana_babysteals @basschica @robertcstern @vicki_fitch

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