Do You NEO? (Need Extra Opportunities) Kick Off Party with FREE PRIZES! FREE 12-Week training opportunity to help you be productive and profitable during the Self Quarantine. No PRANKS, Just PRESENTS to entertain and inspire you to make the most of your Quarantine Quest! #FindYourNewNormal #HopeIsOnTheWay #DoYouNEO

Sorry Vicki I am late.
I shared for you too.
I need this Governor or Georgia just announced the whole state in lockdown starts friday at noon.
That is why we are going to walk you through how to work your business while COVID is knocking at your door 🙂
Super cool Vicki Hainault Fitch
I am new to it but I just started it.
Scroll thru all the names with eyes closed and point at the first you see
Mine business is Fine Artist so hard to sell now.
Use the HCI (How Can I?) How can I find the right market to sell to? I added art to my list for one of the trainings
Vicki Fitch Thanks Vicki so much. I will be here to listen and watch.
Besides painting I also make soaps and handmade dolls.
You should post pictures of them or do videos showing people how to make the dolls. I bet people would buy them on your stream 🙂
I came up with pin the tail
pin the tail
I need some brain for sure
august 28
April 25
April 17
April 26
Angela bd is April 10
Brain an pro
My brain needs help for sure
#NeoBrain rocks
Yep. Till the end of the month
Stay safe my friend
who are you
Ha ha ha… now I get it
Thanks. All safe here and staying positive
Thanks for coming Nazim I would love to know your thoughts on how you think it went!
you did not intro yourself
Not until the end 🙂 It was a bit of a whirlwind LOL Trying to get that video playing 🙂
Is your son getting better? Praying!
More tests coming Monday
Can’t touch that!
kiss me
??? LOL
best lipstick color rocks
was this an idea for a prize?
Vicki Fitch Yes it was
Hugs! Good night.
Stay positive and ahead of the game like Vicki is
Thank you my friend!
I think I am going to paint live and show the neo brain next to my paint easel
That would be awesome Neogenics Nutrition would love that and I think you will love the product Frances Shurley
I appreciate all the great info to help us all
Frances Shurley thanks for attending we appreciate you
We thank you both for helping us. This does help
I am so glad and the deeper training starts next week, this week was the Party and a little sample of the goodies
I will be here, making me a reminder
I need to drink more water for sure
Yes it will help you with your immune system and your brain 🙂
I am loving how some of us are going back to the old school way. I always send out hand written cards to each of my customers.
I love that Frances and I’m so glad you made it tonight!
Vicki Fitch I am so glad I got back from grocery store in time. I will be here next week too. Thanks so much.
Thanks yall
This is great time for me.