This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, BibleNewsRadio, Stacy Braiuca, Daniel Postma, Randall K. Harp, Cliff Bodenweiser “TMoB”, Melanie Miele, and Melodee Meyer
This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, BibleNewsRadio, Stacy Braiuca, Daniel Postma, Randall K. Harp, Cliff Bodenweiser “TMoB”, Melanie Miele, and Melodee Meyer
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i’m good how r u?
Hi Stacy @biblenewsradio, @RandallKHarp and @vicki_fitch
@kimwende Hello
Great 🙂
I tweeted it out but it doesn’t show up in the chat
I have a small tablet that will work, but I need Wi-Fi at home.
@docmuscles where are you
Sometimes questions are more important than their answers.
@kimwende hi
@biblenewsradio good evening 🙂
hello all
@SandyD717 hi
@SandyD717 hello
@biblenewsradio ty
Luv this book I listent to the audio in my car
i started reading The Martha Rules: 10 essentials for achieving success as you start, build, or manage a business yesterday
@kimwende ty
“How can I” is a powerful question
@RandallKHarp it is indeed, i wasn’t sure what to expect but so far so good.
@djlareno Thanks for the recommendation
@djlareno interesting
Right how big is your box
My coworkers are “doable goal” people..
@vicki_fitch I know.. but how do I move forward when the rest of them won’t?
@njjcgirl you get to be bigger than that
who’s vicki?
@LimaSaravia me
what do you do? or are an expert in?
oh i see: a book
@LimaSaravia click her name by her head, tells you who she is
@LimaSaravia look at the bio in her profile
@LimaSaravia This is a book club in a minute we are doing #AskVicki Ask A Serial Entrepreneur Anything
stay for Q&A in a few minutes
I think most people subconsciously don’t want to change despite their constant complaining
@LimaSaravia so true
too many books on my queue, but glad to be here in the matrix with y’all
@LimaSaravia so glad you are here
sometimes with direction you get from others it feels like that V8 commercial when the light goes on and they hit themselves in the head!
@stacybraiuca exactly
I’d take the $100, cause tomorrow’s never promised
if interested in a blunt, realistic intro to finance, i’d recommend the martin shkreli’s finance vid’s on youtube
Would you rather have $10,000 now or 1penny a day doubling the amount each day for 30 days?
@njjcgirl The latter, for sure
@njjcgirl def the later…
@RandallKHarp You know that one.
10,000 now! ‘n’ put that cream in a roth IRA gurrl
@LimaSaravia Do the math
you’re not reading between the lines!
more now than I used to
exuse the side chat, used to ‘blabb’ing on chats
television, ew
#gamerlife 🙂
@biblenewsradio AMEN!
I love this quote: Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you.
have to be fierce with Fam time too
I have to prioritize which live stream shows I watch or nothing gets done.
@njjcgirl exactly
Just had a family member get mad at me because I said I can’t spend 2 to 3 hours on the phone every other day.
@stacybraiuca Amen
Exactly @biblenewsradio
@kimwende exactly
so true
she is crushing too 🙂
i have future for the youth abstaining from procreation. good for the planet, and they’ll have more time to invest in bettering themselves, at least the ones who aren’t mindless zombies
i’d know, i work for the post office, aka sinking ship
@LimaSaravia I hope not
I like that idea!
PO is a waste of global resources and government resources. let’s metaphorically pray for it ha
anyone hiring? (jk)
don’t worry, mail will become extinct soon enough.
I made a ‘squirrel cage’ for my shiny objects
let me call in
i have
im not my first day
your so organized, vicki
@SandyD717 LOL Thanks
I’m better than 2 years ago at it!
RIP rock-stars- the DJs have taken over
@NoahMiyamoto according to your profile it is
@nukermage lol
Randal ” I could talk about this for hours” Vicki “Ya got 30 seconds”
What page is that on?
managing fires SUCKS! I prefer making or creating things!!!!
on the side, i’d recommend anything by Jean-paul sartre if anyone wants empowerment as well
@stacybraiuca Thank you
@njjcgirl 167
@njjcgirl no probs sista
journey out of the 5000
@stacybraiuca I didn’t get to that chapter.
bullet journaling is great to see where you are losing your time and for caging squirrels
pronounced wagner like a german. noice, wie viele kostet das buch?
Here is the link for tomorrow
I really like the doing things so you have less things ‘to do’
@stacybraiuca thanks I’m going to check it out.
@kimwende I’d love to hear what you think of it, you can DM me about it
@stacybraiuca I’ll let you know. Just followed you on Twitter.
@kimwende just recently found it, great Google and Pinterest stuff
@stacybraiuca never heard of bullet journaling I’ll have to look it up
always good to build your own relationships AND create connections for positive win win’s
Way to go @RandallKHarp
love that idea Stacy
my priorities are totally going to kick it up a notch after I get my pragmatic things done, and they are coming off my list fast as I focus to get rid of them!!!!
oh they are!!!
Hey @vicki_fitch! Long time no see. Just popping in for a bit. What are you guys chatting about tonight?
and things are starting to cross each other so one task counts for 2-3 projects!
work once paid three times yahoooooo
No questions. Just popping in for a minute.
Thanks! 🙂
when I used to work FT, I had to leave my personal business goals for 8 hours at a time and it sucked!
Books are awesome.
@RandallKHarp is that your incognito for the number 1? 🙂
@kimwende Not incognito, emphasized!
If we want to be organized
push 1
you said
Careful Randall, you could wind up in Vicki Fitch jail again…
@njjcgirl I’m still there
I found a YT video on the bullet journaling @stacybraiuca
Both Stacy’s spell their name with no “e”.
@njjcgirl I know right?
Hi 🙂
@vicki_fitch how weird that our mom’s did that
@vicki_fitch how many Stacy’s do you reccommend having in your life to run a successful business?
@nukermage no more than 2
what is it about ?
@SarmadLashary #AskVicki Ask A Serial Entrepreneur Anything
Teachers are amazing
I. good
thank u
@SarmadLashary Gotcha
@AnthonyJConklin do you want to come in?
@AnthonyJConklin hello
i’m on my phone right now I might pop in a little bit
@AnthonyJConklin ok
It’s a great challenge @nukermage
and Facebook liv
wait a minute Vicki was on Snapchat where was I must of been under a rock yesterday
you were indeed
It ain’t the size of the dog in the fight…
Collaboration beat North Carolina
Villa Nova beat North Carolina
I can guarantee I’ll never challenge you to a sport event @vicki_fitch
Squash the beef!
so about being relevant and sharing content that’s relevant not to you but your community
you guys r hilarious!!!!
the lady had to grade papers
She Said Red Said
she’s got big giant heels
do you think Vicky has a little bit of a competitive spirit? I would tend to say yes
u guys should play all those sports via the wii @vicki_fitch @biblenewsradio
I play mini golf
oh no
oh dam
Vickys my blab g f wife I have to agree with everything she says
@AnthonyJConklin #RedIsAlwaysRight
what decade hahahaha
@vicki_fitch Hey vicki do you know how to end an unlisted blab
I challenge you to mini golf…
Stacy, you’d better practice…
@njjcgirl Sounds fun
That was before they started running in tennis…
@njjcgirl exactly
@RazdByBears LOL
@LilTurtle27 close out of it I believe. @clifbodenweiser do you know
@vicki_fitch its still live
@vicki_fitch i am not sure
@biblenewsradio I was always GREAT at the golf range! 😀
@LilTurtle27 did you leave a link open
I would love 2 c a Vicki and Stacy avatar match up on the wii sports!! hahaha
You can do it with
Who else wants to jump in?
Unlisted blabs not closing are a known issue – along with random non-closing recorded blabs
im in tears right now
@vicki_fitch I do, but can’t…thanks blab….grrr
@djlareno LOL
Check the recording..
@ClifBodenweiser so what am i supposed to do
@biblenewsradio so vicki is undefeateable
Inferiority complex is the label
Maybe checkers?
@LilTurtle27 send the link to asking if they can close it out – – i think they will catch up with all these hanging blabs soon…
@ClifBodenweiser thankyou
How about chess?
LA jump rope???
@RandallKHarp You can almost pull your hair back in a pony tail man
@nukermage your head is on fire – or you got one heck of a bright idea
cue eye of the tiger!!!
@JoeJoeKeys I’m overdue for hair cuts
@RandallKHarp LOL, haven’t seen you in a while
Was that the episode with the two dudes who were half black, half white?
Anyone else want to jump in?
@njjcgirl I don’t need no practicd
@njjcgirl exactly LOL
@vicki_fitch Hey
@biblenewsradio The grammar police will get you…
I think the “virtual war” episode was called “A Taste of Armageddon”
@RazdByBears I think that you’re right
@RazdByBears I’m not the Trekkie that I once was
None of us are, unfortunatley
@RandallKHarp Luckily this was off the record
#I’m too young for this
@RandallKHarp i think it was this one
@RandallKHarp Props for the Futurama reference 😉
@ClifBodenweiser Yes it was. At least I remembered a title and a plot. Mixed up, but I remembered two things. 😉
@RazdByBears Wasn’t intentional
@RandallKHarp you did better than I could – I have google in my corner
somebody’s about 2 get a karate chop
to the ball game that is
Stacy, do you know who you sound like???????
Lets unpack this….
oh dear me
@ClifBodenweiser Are you cracking up?
@Listersmate EXACTLY
too much really bravado
Tracy and a raquet of some sort
Just as long as it isn’t “flag tennis”…..
@vicki_fitch you’re really 6 ft? I imagined you as this little delicate red head
Stacy, Stacy, Stacy….
@vicki_fitch Can you 2 Blab a tennis match?
@vicki_fitch @biblenewsradio put the match on your calendars
She’s probably intimidated by all the smack toalk…
this is like #smacktalk
I’ve found that tennis only causes . . . tennis elbow.
Stacy, you’d better practice…
@vicki_fitch How much less could you care?
we got that Stacy
@RandallKHarp Get Stacy to the tennis court.
@biblenewsradio Say, “Goodnight”
We have Carol Burnett & Vicki Lawrence here.
name of plugin please?
@stacybraiuca I posted it in the Rock Stars
I heard a squirrel did someone say new plugin????
I hear another voice in the background
@RandallKHarp George n Gracie!!!
heck yeah!!!!!
I can use that with an interview folks want to do with me!!!
Hi Bruce
hi all
go Mac Girls
bet it’s built in on my Mac lol
cmd + or cmd – zooms on a Mac
@stacybraiuca right?!
@stacybraiuca Right, but no drawing.
@RandallKHarp I have other apps that do that
command button
running with at least 2 screens is best
I have a great backhand
you mock me… mocker
I dream it, believe it and achieve it
@biblenewsradio I played tennis in college.
yes she did
she loves me
tunnel and get into it!
I will kill you in tennis for sure
Did Cliff make that cool plugin?
Trolls are under bridges Cliff…
@njjcgirl good one gf!
ok. I give up
you win
I’m done.
good to meet you Melodee
I wouldn’t dare
@docmuscles LOL
Why is tennis such a noisy game? Because each player keeps raising a racket.
I like vids!!!
@docmuscles Stacy has a joke you can use…
remove excess hosts
but that is not the issue
I’m going to buy you tennis lessons
How about the anti Android bug?
For blab.
bc it’s an android lol
they are buggy 🙂
@stacybraiuca Not funny.
Uninstall what?
unintended pun there sorry
uninstall and reinstall blab does help sometimes
oh crud that’s right sorry
It works on my Android tablet, but I need Wi-Fi, and I don’t have it at home.