This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, nancy lodema berg, Carlos A. Garcia, Matt Crane, Brandon Wagner, and Sheri Bambrough
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This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, nancy lodema berg, Carlos A. Garcia, Matt Crane, Brandon Wagner, and Sheri Bambrough
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Hey Vicki .. sounds like a SUPER EXCITING subject … I’m All In !
@mentorwithmahdi AWESOME so glad you subscribed! Looking forward to helping you build your biz!
I’m here, but I’ve got to check my pie shell in 10 minutes
VA..that’s an honor!
Define VA
Alls = “all that” 😉
I can greet people from the chat
I can help
I do, but jumped in last min. and stuffing my face.
another time, for sure!!!
@socially_fused Ditto LOL
i’m baking a crust as well while I listen:)
Hi Vicki!
Hi Barb
@BedfordTracy Weighted with wax paper and dried beans?
I was rushing to get my pie stuff done I didn’t want to miss this. 🙂
Hi Vicki!!
Hi Vicki & Barb
If you have a question type in /q then your question.
hi Vicki
Vicki is a Rock Star!!
@vicki_fitch how can you share this in Facebook
totally agree!
sorry disregard my message ^^
oh good heavens! 11111111111111111111111111111
I have 3 that i need to respond to like a week ago! :/
Whoa, you listened to my PeriScope . . . I’m so honored . . .
@ChrisDucker Hi Chris 🙂
@kimwende Hi Kim 🙂
@ChrisDucker Hi Chris
I always follow up w/those who have contacted me, but often don’t follow up on opportunities that have come to my attention.
@sheribambrough Hi Sheri. You guys are great!
@ChrisDucker Thanks, but this is all Vicki
the funnel system
Follow up is one of the biggest weaknesses business people have
I’ll come in.
q/ what platform do you use to create the funnel structure?
wow, when Carlos came on the volume went through the roof!
You’re very personable. Really great stuff, Vicki.
@ChrisDucker Thank you!! I appreciate that
So true about the bad rap IT people have had @FYITechnologies
Here is the link to view Infusionsoft
Ooooh, would you recommend I (or any ecommerce) use infusion/volustion etc.?
@biblenewsradio They’re probably using Infusionsoft 🙂
@RandallKHarp honestly, it got annoying
Infusion soft has great follow up, I signed up for info and they called me a million times, emailed me a million times…
I apologize for it not sounding supportive.
Leadpages is bombin’!
they eventually get it
infusion soft MUST be told several times, DO NOT CALL ME AGAIN
yes, I found it
Regardless of the marketing etc. this is about the product.
Hugs! x
Setting up a sales funnel
cute name, ‘waxcrumbles’
Not just yet I can in a few minutes
Yes an autoresponder series
Makes sense
can you explain the 15/85 rule?
Be sure to Tell A Little Bird
@sheribambrough Like the Rev 3:20 picture behind you. 🙂
@RandallKHarp even more than I have to open the door
@WaxCrumbles jump in and ask we would all benefit
HA! <3 Love. (It's Brandon) x
I’m talking about the length of time before someone buys from first contact until they buy. How does CRM help with that.
BHAG for my business is my new mantra (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) for the world.
OMG the ideas just flow off of her tongue. Amazing!
PROPS to you, Brandon!
We don’t know what we don’t know that we don’t know
@docmuscles exactly
Young cat with some sense
Wow that’s fantastic @WaxCrumbles
@WaxCrumbles is a good dude
Listen to your “gestalt!”
@waxcrumbles GOOD LUCK WITH THE SURVEY everything you want to do ou AINT GONNA GET TO DO BUDDY messing with @vicki_fitch
Brandon, listen to her. she’s right about mostly EVERYTHING.
lol job security is so overrated.
Matt Crane in the house . . . !
@socially_fused LOL, I’ve pretty much learned to just shut up at this point 🙂
MA Double T my brother
Already following him… I’ve been Matted. 😎
@dynamicspeaking Hey Ian!
#TeamRed #MattCrane10x #NextTonyRobins
Hey @yusufchowdhury 🙂
@mattcrane10x Still needs to procure better bandwidth. 😉
@kimwende hi Kim ?
@dynamicspeaking Hi Sweetie
@vicki_fitch awww. shucks
Vicki has no idea how to promote herself. 😉
@RandallKHarp LOL
@docmuscles LOL
wez fisticated up har in Spring Hill with our fancy increnet
AMEN brother!
Pleasantly discontent, I call it
@Vicki_Fitch actually is the #SubliminalPromotionNinja
Well then you’re doing a GREAT job!!! 😉 xoxo
it’s true, working with Vicki it like being thrown into a washer and then dryer and then getting ironed out and then hung up and looked brand new.
@dynamicspeaking Great speaking with you today buddy. Excited for ALL things happening
@mattcrane10x Thanks. Yes. Including you getting an internet upgrade 😎
you’re right
LOL… we’re all wrong
I would like my question answered – what does CRM Mean?
okay, now I know what it means, thank you
How to blabjack? 😉
or how NOT to blabjack for @joelcomm
I actually did put the question in correctly and it shows the Q and everything.
scroll down it’s there
I saw her question
It’s there, it’s the bottom one
wow, all the cool kids are here
Won’t scroll for me either
The only question that I have is what question I should be asking?
We love you and I still think you should be the Periscope person of the year and I think we should add the Blab person of the year
We all start with 1 follower . . . I started with 0
I’m at almost 350,000 hearts
Thank you
U Rock #fitchgirl @vicki_fitch
signing up for a consult next!
she would be a double fitch
If @vicki_fitch had only had someone like @vicki_fitch before she was @vicki_fitch
@RandallKHarp LOL, you’re going to get hit soon
i read it. Its good.
Go boldly and find new cheese!
I want a pocket Vicki Fitch mobile app so we can take you with us where ever we go and hear you say all the great stuff you say…. LOL….
@SandraCentorino Hi Sandra
@kimwende HI KIM!
that would be better than other apps focused the other night
@stacybraiuca Like the flatulence app?
The @Vicki_Fitch PeriScope app wakes you up each morning and fits in your pocket if you dont have the iPhone 6S Large
IT was on the front page of Blab so I think that helped
@vicki_fitch did you get your cards?
did you get my card?
sorry there was no money in that one LOL
@SandraCentorino looking forward to your Blab on Friday
@kimwende YAY
Roll credits…
Happy a Happy Fitch’giving
@RandallKHarp you should write Vicki an Ask Vicki theme song
@biblenewsradio Hmmmm….
@RandallKHarp I can envision it
@biblenewsradio I can hear it 🙂
Will you sponsor our radio show?
ask and ye shall receive….
knock and the door shall be opened very wide
Was that a Romper Room or Hobo Kelly impersonation, @vicki_fitch ?
thank you for having me.
Thanks Vicki
I take that is a no
Darn was making my apple pie