This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, Kim Wende, Jacki Windish, Adam Nally, D.O., Stacy Lynn Harp, M.S, Randall K. Harp, Tim Gillette, and Carla Riechman

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, Kim Wende, Jacki Windish, Adam Nally, D.O., Stacy Lynn Harp, M.S, Randall K. Harp, Tim Gillette, and Carla Riechman
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I saw Stacy say she was going to join
Vicki!! :-)))
hey hey
I can’t tell I bird – I broke my middle finger
Just stopped to by to see ya’ all. be back later.
@ChuckBartok Hi Chuck
hey hey Vicki
Tell me the reasons you use Periscope vs Blab
great scope earlier
Assistant Expectations: 1. Greet newbies. 2. Prompt for questions
Hello @kimwende Be back in a while
Hey someone told me today they saw me and that you were picking on me last week, so it wasn’t just me π
LOL, no I’m not but it’s okay.
@biblenewsradio Hi Stacey
LOVE that book!!!
@kimwende Hi Kim π have fun
HI Stacy !
@JackiWindish Hey Jacki π
@JackiWindish Nice talking to you today. Note I’m not on camera tonight π
HI Mr. jayce !!
@biblenewsradio LOL I did notice that
Thanks for joining us everyone
@JackiWindish π I looked over your info and I will email you later.
@biblenewsradio OK great ! Thanks so much
Four characters: two mice, “Sniff” and “Scurry,” and two little people, miniature humans in essence, “Hem” and “Haw.”
MIC Noice
Hi Vicki!
@TheLaughterRevo Hi!
@docmuscles Love it feel free to jump in since you have read the book
The story about the pursuit of “cheese.” Allegory of how to deal with change in life.
@docmuscles Jump in
@TheLaughterRevo after we finish up talking about the book you can ask your question.
@Vicki_fitch I have some questions about moving my business. Is this the place to ask this question? I have not read this book.
@TheLaughterRevo In a frew minutes we will be doing the AskVicki anything
Hi Sean!
@kimwende you want to greet everyone for me?
@vicki_fitch HI VICKI
@JMUGA Hey there
Welcome JMUGA
@kimwende That is fine. I came in because I saw Vicki and know her.
@TheLaughterRevo great to have you here
@kimwende It ‘s nice to be here. I will start getting the cats fed and listen for the time I can come in.
Welcome Claus Offersen
@vicki_fitch: good evening
@dstaley46 Hey there! Thanks for joining!
Hey Gerald!!
Welcome Gerald DuBose
Hello All
Welcome Dr. Tom Curran
@vicki_fitch Hey Vicki!!!!
@kimwende Hi Kim
@vicki_fitch Hi Vicki
@kimwende Nice to meet you Kim
@DrTomCurran Hey there!
@geralddnwo I’ve seen you around, it’s nice to meet you too.
@kimwende Thanks π I wanted to tweet this out to my other twitter account which has more followers
@StacyHarp Awesome Thanks Stacy!
@StacyHarp awesome
Yes its about seeing what others can’t see
Glad you came back Stacy
True, he talked to me about that.
Courage can not exist without fear
Fear is the driving force of the book
Definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result
Pretty much everything I do, I do afraid.
Welcome @truefamilymen
taxes are also a constant π
Welcome @ChristopherPrevette
how are you
@truefamilydave Awesome! Glad you have read it!
I love this book
@truefamilydave Anything you want to share?
ken Blanchard also has some similar fantastic books
@truefamilydave Yes he does
I’m currently reading raving fans! such a gem
Complacency leads to failure eventually
@rgletter True
@StacyHarp LOL
My husband the exploiter…
I’d have to say that Randall guy is pretty darn hot
He can totally exploit me anytime π xo
Welcome Nikki Smith
Give the man a gold star
@docmuscles you have a great radio voice
Welcome Malik W. Dixon
@StacyHarp . . . thank you!
Thank you @kimwende.
@docmuscles You’re welcome. π I’ve done radio ten years and I know a good voice when I hear it.
Change is about stepping stones
@rgletter Yes it is!
@stacyharp . . . you’re kind
Who has questions for me on the Everything Entrepreneur side
If you have questions type in /q then the question
You have to enjoy the journey . . . my family’s moto
If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands….
@rgletter LOL
I had a question about building my business
@RandallKHarp ah, look at you being a VA. π
Viki’s “F” word = Failure
fail is actually a four letter f word
it actually says fail not fall π
Welcome Sam David
I’ll stick around.
@docmuscles Thank you!
Keep doing it
Vicki it is your MIC that is so noisy tonite sweetie?
I muted every one else
It sounds like there is a breath sound over the mike
I know it’s not mine. LOL
I have myself muted
No, you sound fine Vicki
it’s JACKI
There is rustling or rubbing
fine here
he needs to reset
It’s gone now
thank you so much
You can ask a question by typing in /q then the question or you can jump into a seat when one comes open.
Does anyone else want to jump in or ask a question as well?
@vicki_fitch I would if I had a question, but I don’t have a question. Dang it.
Who’s your ideal client avitar (ICA)?
Little wins create confidence
@kimwende exactly
Assisted living places might be a great place
Laughter is healing
Library events
@RandallKHarp yeah, at least where we live, that’s a great idea
@RandallKHarp great suggestion
Try Multiple Sclerosis Society, Diabetes foundation, MDA etc.
@thelaughterrevo you’ll love Vicki’s consult, she rocks
@StacyHarp I agree π
Been there @RandallKHarp
Make him make more money so I can eat @vicki_fitch π
@rockerlifecoach do you want to jump in for the last few minutes?
I want new cheese
and crackers
maybe a little pepperoni
if you would like me
HI Tim and Nikki
@rockerlifecoach Hey you… I lost you last night
Welcome Michael D Haines
@StacyHarp sorry wifi went out lasat night
@rockerlifecoach OH… I was like, where did he go π It’s okay.
I know Vicki is great which is why I came to the blab. I know her from another blab. Thanks, Stacy
@TheLaughterRevo You’re welcome
Welcome Lisa
@rockerlifecoach Tim, if you want to come in, I am happy to pop out. Just let me know.
don’t do it Randall… I know what you just thought
@StacyHarp She is wonderful.
@TheLaughterRevo yes she is…..adorable, lovable, sweet, kind, generous and more. I love her….and I think she knows it.
@rgletter OH trust me, she’s been paid π
You need to show people it is cheese with Hollandaise sauce . . .
@StacyHarp Yes, I have been following her on another blab.
Tim you’re cutting out
Read it
You should read it . . . fantastic
Welcome Morgan J. Ingram
I read it. I’m going to write a book report and send it to Vicki later.
If anyone has a question type in /q then your question
@kimwende hi!
Vicki, I haven’t got your email yet
@TheLaughterRevo Don’t give up. Keep at it
94 pages in fairly large type
Chocolate Johnny
They were looking for the chocolate
That what he wants you to believe. π
Hello all!
or the guy that knows your passwords
the new updated version of Who Moved My cheese could be called Who Moved my Chocolate
I saw it in Australia
you guys are a tough crowd tonight
I have a blab @ 8pm
@rgletter I will NEVER give up on The Laughter Revolution
@getmikespeaking What time zone?
It’s a wrap!
Welcome Barry Brooks
@StacyHarp LOL
Thanks for being here everyone
@RandallKHarp yeah I know it’s spelled wrong
who took my
There’s the next book . . . who moved my chocolate?
@StacyHarp Yeah, I know that you know.
Who Moved my Chocolate to australia
q/how does the earth rotate
my blab is called
Too Deep
@StacyHarp Very well
What training method is Kim’s business using?
I love you too Tim. xo you’re my favorite
Hey, she said any questions
@docmuscles I use positive reinforcement along with other things
@RandallKHarp pay the lady with the beautiful red hair
We have to take ourselves off of the sales rack
@billrowe LOL
@StacyHarp my question for you is how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
Hi there all, Thought you might like to have a look at me in person. I’m in a blab now Let’s talk about inspiration baby! Hope you can make it
no way would it be chocolate johnny
@rockerlifecoach It would depend on his teeth.
Yes, but it is phased out after while
I’m only seeing Tim as audio
@kimwende positive reinforcement with signaling, reward, food?
@rockerlifecoach Ask Google they’ll tell you.
you’re in Texas, that explains it
I’m going to dream it, believe it and achieve it and then chow
@rockerlifecoach Suppose for a moment that the name of the animal was “could-a-wood-chuck”. π
I am filling out your form now @vicki_fitch
obviously you missed the joke
I meant chow
@Vicki_Fitch were you an English teacher in your former life?
don’t you have a sense of humor?
@StacyHarp Not a sophisticated one, apparently
@RandallKHarp Hey are you baggin on my friend. Stop it.
PLEXUS gets rid of the sugar cravings.
My aunt had Hypo
(psst: why are you NOT still modeling?)
@bryankrohrer You are sweet π
@bryankrohrer You want to hire me LOL?
@vicki_fitch you’re beautiful and women your age are needed to play mothers etc. in commercials are you kidding?
@bryankrohrer You are a doll. Thank you so much for the compliment
can I ask the doc a question? or
@vicki_fitch you could also be inspiring many young people in modeling. I need to put you in touch with my friend (I am 100% more salty than sweet)
@bryankrohrer How sweet. I would love to meet your friend and inspire others!
@vicki_fitch Filling out your form now
@TheLaughterRevo Awesome!
@vicki_fitch wow, your form is extensive… LOL
@bryankrohrer The better to help you with my love π
@kimwende you did an awesome job tonight. Thank you so much!
@vicki_fitch you are so welcome! I was happy to help π
@kimwende π
@StacyHarp double french press coffee would be wonderful for you (teasing).
I eat butter with my eggs every morning and I put coconut oil in my tea
Nite Nite Carla
@Vicki_Fitch form finished. Getting off to go to bed
Black Butte Reserve My neighbor makes this from his natural grazed 50 head herd of cow. Great for your health
@JackiWindish Good night Jacki. Come laugh with me tomorrow
JOEL is the best Love him….
@docmuscles doesn’t have to offer a diagnosis, but advice is good…
what’s TV?
I Missed it
@JackiWindish I think I sent you an invite.
@StacyHarp you have to remove the M.S. off your title. I have Multiple Sclerosis and you absolutely don’t want this. π
Laughter is so very important
YOU are great Adam ! really glad I tuned in
2 sugars
stick with fruit, veggies, nuts
Aunt got drunk off one bite of pineapple
Vicki it is “JACKIE ” with no “E” I am woman! hear me roar LOL
vicki_fitch hypoglycemic like you
@vicki_fitch beautiful Vickiβ€οΈβ€οΈ
@denverashley716 Hi honey!
Hey Anthony!
@vicki_fitch I just had to say hi to my amazing friend
@vicki_fitch need a teeshirt that says get FitchSlapped!
@bryankrohrer I’m working on that π