We all have a mission in life.

We don’t always know what it is, but it is there… sometimes buried under layers of Doubt and Insecurity, but it is there.

A driving desire or passion to do something that makes us feel like our life or career is important.

We admire the people who figure theirs out, but we are inspired by those who learn how to teach us how to be different.

I have always known I was meant for something great.

As a child, I knew I was smart and talented and special… and yet, I always felt that I couldn’t measure up to my parent’s ideals.

I didn’t know what the measuring stick was, so I never knew if I did it right… until I did it wrong.

Inside I knew that I was meant for something great, but for so many years I was stuck trying to prove I was “Enough”…

Enough what? I have no idea.

Just “Enough”.

That there was value in me beyond what people could see on the outside and that I had value whether I was meeting other people’s expectations or not.

I had this pain in my heart…

A pain that wanted to find someone or something that would validate “Me”.

That would fill the Void in my life that said I was a disappointment.

On the outside, I didn’t look like a disappointment. I started my first business at 12, bought my first house at 19 and started my first company with employees at 20 but I didn’t feel successful…

I just thought that is what you did. You move on to bigger and better things.

I never celebrated the achievements, I just kept moving forward.

I was empty of understanding what success really looked like because I never felt like I had attained it.

It wasn’t until I married at 21 and was divorced by 22 that I understood how much heartache and heartbreak can affect your self-esteem.

I already felt broken by the things I’d been told, so I mistakenly accepted, unacceptable behavior and knowingly married a drug addict.

Try not to judge me too harshly.

I was young and desperate for Love to fill a Void; and I reacted to the first person that was persistent enough to get through my barriers.

After my drug addicted husband cheated on me, emptied our bank accounts and charged up all my credit cards I felt so Overwhelmed and Depressed that I wasn’t sure how to move on.

To me, it was reinforcement for what the Bully in My Head had told me, I was Not Enough.

I felt Shame that my husband had left me, and I felt alone. My value was tied up in what he thought of me and how others would judge me, not on who I was as a person or what value I brought to life business and my community.

Things had to change.

My Mission:

To help each of you, become the best version of yourselves while inspiring you to positively impact others on your journey.

I am spreading this mission through my writing, speaking engagements and my daily Livestreams.

The #12Books12Months project, will give you the details on my personal journey, including the ups and downs and how I made it to #RockThatDream Ridge.

#JoinTheJourney to Success Island

It is time for you to find the real you and the Tribe that can’t wait to meet you!

Let’s start by having you join the Entrepreneurial Rock Stars Facebook Group

Then follow me on my social media channels so you can watch my free live daily content.

It’s time for you to recognize the best version of yourself, and I am ready to lead you on that journey!

It’s time to set sail.


I’m writing 12 Books in 12 Months to help you navigate Fitchipelago and reach Success Island

You will learn to overcome the Ocean of Overwhelm, defy the Depths of Discouragement, and sail through the Sea of Status Quo on your way to Success Island.

It will be my privilege to lead you to the Pinnacle of Peace on #RockThatDream Ridge, where you will have a 360-degree view of your future.

Along the way you’ll discover my M3 Philosophy (Money, Mindset & Motivation) and will provide you with clearly defined, actionable steps to guide you on your journey.

Learn More About #12Books12Months

How Can I Serve You and Your Tribe?

If you’re looking for an immediate course correction in your life, an inspiring speaker for your company, school, church, hospital or organization, or free training to help you #RockThatDream, choose an option below to get started!

Become the best version of yourself in your Life, Business, Career, and your Relationships

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