Everything Entrepreneur with @Vicki_Fitch #AskVicki Join the Hotseat

This is a replay of the live broadcast with Vicki Fitch, BibleNewsRadio, John Kapos, Jennifer Lehner, Mat Sherman, Tiffany Rashel, Sarah Moore, Kim Wende, Ryan Bilello, Philippe Coudoux, Dan Goodwin, SCOTT WEINSTEIN, Kerrie Phipps, Z and Co. NEDA, and Vin Brown


  1. Kim Wende says:

    I’m giving more now since I’ve started doing Periscope. In the past I was afraid to give me for fear that people would not want to pay to work with me. I’m over that now. 🙂

  2. @KerriePhipps I was glad I caught you on bald let me know if you want to work with you and your pain. I will be glad to help. I will follow you on periscope as well to learn more about you 🙂

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